These are the airlines that offer Refundable tickets

Refundable airline tickets are important to any traveler who knows that their travel plans may change. Even if you are sure that you will travel to the appointed date, what about if something comes up? These are some of the reasons you should look into buying a refundable ticket. 

Some airline companies offer good deals to flyers while others don’t have the window for any form of refund. This all depends on the policy of the airline company you are working with. However, most companies offer the refund option to a type of ticket. For instance, you won’t expect to get a refund when you book basic economy tickets. 

Airlines that offer Refundable airline tickets

#1. American Airline 

Some people complain how the flight cancellation policy is not that good. The American airline does not give room for mistakes. So, you have the choice of canceling your tickets with a fee of $200 if you cancel within 24 hours. 

2. Jetblue Airline 

What I found out about Jetblue airline is that their refundable tickets are more costly than those of Non-refundable. Also, the price of the flight tickets may affect the cost that will apply to your cancellation request. 

3. Delta airline

Delta airline policy is very clear to see since they clearly stated that you can only cancel your flights within 24 hours. What if you desire to cancel after 24 hours? Well you can still cancel but delta airline may charge a fee for this process. 

In addition, Delta Airlines will charge from $200 to cancel domestic flights and $500 to cancel international flights. 

4. Southwest Airlines 

Southwest is one of the best companies to book the best flights when it comes to refundable tickets. Their policy is very flexible and you can cancel within 24 hours and there will be no additional fees. Also, some tickets can be canceled 10 minutes before departure and still get full refunds. 

5. United Airlines 

United Airlines also offers free cancellation if you decide to cancel the flight within 24 hours. However, they will charge around $200 when you decide to cancel after 24 hours of booking. 

These airline companies have their own rules when it comes to canceling tickets and getting refunds. Mostly, you have to pay a lot if you desire to get refunds without having to pay for cancellation. These high fees will be helpful when your travel plan eventually changes. 

Frequently asked questions 

Can I get Refundable airline tickets? 

Refundable flights are available for people who want to pay more to acquire these tickets. 

Which airlines provide refundable tickets? 

Delta, United, Jetblue, and others companies offer refundable tickets but they have their peculiar policy regarding these refunds. 

Do American airlines offer refundable tickets

Yes, they offer refundable but may charge $200 for refunds depending on when you request for this cancellation. 


Refundable airline tickets are not available to people who request to cancel 24 hours after booking. However, if you bought an elite flight, you can request for cancellation without issues. Airline policy may determine if you will actually get a full refund, so read the refund-policy of the airline you wish to use. 

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